OGP 和 Eastman Kodak引入了远心镜头的原理。它仍然被视作聚焦光学系统的首选光学系统,可提供校正的间隙和正像。
在2020 年,OGP 庆祝了其在光学检测、测量和尺寸测量延续了75 年
OGP(光学测量产品)是 Quality Vision International Inc (QVI®)的一个部门,该公司是工业质量控制的精密多元传感测量系统的世界领先制造商。我们的测量系统专注于帮助制造商监控尺寸符合设计的规范。
我们著名的 OGP SmartScope®产品系列于 1992 年首次推出,现已成为世界上最受欢迎和多功能的尺寸测量系统之一。SmartScope 系统在美国纽约州罗彻斯特的QVI公司总部设计和生产。
今天,OGP 产品已扩展到包括轴测量系统和一系列创新的多传感器CMM。OGP 产品还包括具有支持大批量生产的独特功能的 3D 扫描系统和测量系统。
凭借超过 75 年的测量技术创新,OGP被全球公认为客户信赖的非接触式和多传感器尺寸测量系统供应商。在当今世界,提高生产力是每个人的目标。OGP 的创新测量技术为人们提供精确度——为使用它们的人设计的精确测量系统。
1945 年,一家新公司在纽约州布法罗成立,以支持刚刚起步的光学比对仪行业。Universal Engraving and Colorplate Company 的 Engineers Specialties Division (ESD) 开始制造工作台固定装置和图表量具。搬到纽约州罗彻斯特后,ESD 被一群员工收购,并重组为 Optical Gaging Products, Inc. (OGP®) 和 Projection Gages, Inc. (PGI)。
OGP开始与伊士曼柯达公司建立工作关系,成为可达轮廓投影轮廓比对仪(Kodak Contour Projector®)的独家分销商。OGP迅速扩张,成为光学检测领域的全国领先者。1955 年,OGP 的创始人之一 Edward C. Polidor 成立了 Automation Gages, Inc.,这是一家专门从事高度定制化检测设备的公司。由Automation Gages设计和制造的设备满足了从锗晶体管晶片的自动测量到纺织品耐洗磨损特性评估等多种需求。
Automation Gages 很快成为博士伦科学工业产品的全国经销商,包括光学比对仪和分析显微镜。1959 年,当柯达出售 Contour Projector Line 时,OGP 进入底特律并成为 Ex-Cell-O 公司的一部分。
为了迎接未来的挑战,Automation Gages 启动了一项计划,以构建市场领先地位所需的核心技术。1969 年至 1973 年间,他们从 Ex- Cell-O和Bendix测量部门,以及最终的 Optical Gaging Products, Inc. 于 1973 年将包括制造在内的所有业务整合到纽约罗彻斯特的一个屋檐下。
回顾OGP 75年推进光学测量技术的历程
下载Our main headquarters, engineering, and manufacturing campus is located in Rochester, NY, a global center of excellence for optics and imaging science. Our campus near downtown Rochester encompasses more than 250,000 square feet of manufacturing space.
Opened at its present location in 2012, the Quality Vision Services’ (QVS) Dayton facility is the headquarters and U.S. Customer Center for our Certified Comparator Products division. The facility includes a total of 19,500 square feet for manufacturing, warehouse, office, training, and demonstration. Dayton is the site of CCP’s extensive comparator re-manufacturing operations.
Tempe, Arizona has been the home of our western regional headquarters since 1987. Tempe is the headquarters, engineering, and Customer Center for the VIEW Micro-Metrology division, and Western Regional headquarters for OGP.
OGP Messtechnik GmbH, a subsidiary of OGP, is headquartered in Hofheim-Wallau, near Frankfurt. OGP Messtechnik sells and services systems in Germany. This state-of-the-art facility also includes demonstration and training facilities, an environmentally controlled metrology lab, and spare parts warehouse.
With regional headquarters located in Singapore, Optical Gaging (S) Pte Ltd (OGS), an OGP subsidiary, provides sales and technical support for Asia Pacific and Middle East sales representative network. The full-service Singapore Customer Center supports product demonstrations, training, customer service, spare parts, repair, and re-build.
Our Shanghai facility, located in the Pu Dong New District, is the China headquarters for OGP operations. Shanghai has complete facilities for product demonstration, application development, training, customer support, and services to support OGP’s channel partners throughout mainland China. Shanghai also manages offices and service networks in Beijing, Suzhou, Xi’an, and Wuhan, to provide sales, service and application support to our customers throughout China.
Our facility in Budapest is home to Kotem, Ltd., world leaders in GD&T evaluation and best fitting software for computer aided manufacturing. In addition to OGP software development staff, the facility also includes show rooms for demonstration and application development on OGP products for customers in Central and Eastern Europe.
Our Ottawa facility is the support center for ShapeGrabber systems worldwide. The facility houses applications support staff and includes demonstration and training areas for 3D laser scanning systems.
Our OGP branch based in Turin, Italy, specializes in our Itaca flexible gaging systems and software for applications requiring tactile probing.
QVI Japan is a partnership between QVI and YKT Corporation. QVI Japan houses a staff dedicated to customer service and software localization and special application development for the Japanese market.
The Pune office joins the existing office in Bangalore and will act as base of operations for sales and service of OGP products.
With a head office located in Bangalore, and branch office in Pune, QVI India serves the growing manufacturing sector providing OGP sales and service support. The Bangalore Demo Centre showcases the latest and advanced systems developed by OGP.
Quality Vision International 是一家通过 ISO 9001:2015 注册的公司。认证范围涵盖北美的 QVI 和子公司。
Quality Vision Services - 我们在北美的现场服务和校准部门 - 已通过 ISO 17025-2017 测试和校准实验室标准认证。
ISO 9001:2015 证书